Summer Camps!

All brains are beautiful — they just need the right support in order to thrive. Join our therapy intensive summer camps and let your child blossom, grow connections with peers, and work towards goals helping your family flourish!


2024 dates

Summer Camps:
Camp BugBrave - June 10-14, daily 3-6pm
Camp SenseSavvy - August 19-23, daily 3-6pm

Summer Weekly Groups:
June 17 – August 9, weekly 3-6pm

Summer Garden Club:
June 17 – August 9, weekly 4-6pm

*Since we have such small groups, we are often able to adjust the schedule around families’ needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you can’t make these times work!

What & Where?

How big?

Only 4 – 5 kids per camp
Led by experienced pediatric occupational therapists
1:2 staff:child ratio
Ages 5 and up


Where do you meet?

Local parks throughout the gorgeous Rochester, MN area


What your child will get to do.

Think of this as “half normal summer camp, half intensive therapy.”

Imagine hiking, swimming, exploring the woods, digging in the mud, playing games, catching bugs… utilized to work on individual goals!

(Obviously, the specifics of what we do will vary based on what kids find wonderful, and best supports their therapeutic progress!)

Each season, we’ll choose a couple specific skills for your kid to work on — and they’ll get so many chances to work on them!


What you’ll get.

Every day, you’ll get an update over email, letting you know what the group did and what skills we worked on… along with fun photos!

The Camps

Camp BugBrave:
Embrace the Outdoors!
June 10-14, 2024

Does your child's fear of bugs and sensory defensiveness limit their enjoyment of nature? Let us help!

How it works:

1. Gentle Exposure: Experienced pediatric occupational therapists follow a relationship-based approach to attend to each child's cues and ensure they feel safe and comfortable as they learn new skills.
2. Sensory Strategies: We teach techniques to manage tactile sensitivity and other sensory needs, enhancing comfort and confidence in nature and everyday life.
3. FUN! Play is a child's primary "job" and we make sure to incorporate it into all we do to ensure that children can engage with nature and each other joyfully!


Campers leave BugBrave more adventurous, less fearful of bugs, and equipped with skills to navigate a wide variety of sensory challenges in their daily lives!


Camp SenseSavvy:
A Journey Through The Senses!
August 19-23, 2024
3-6 pm

Sensory processing differences can affect ALL aspects of daily life and relationships. Let us help!

How it works:

1. Daily Sensory Focus: We explore the basic five senses in addition to movement, dedicating each day to understanding and enjoying one or two senses - how they feel in our bodies, how they affect our energy levels, and what sensory tools in that domain are helpful for us!
2. Practical Tools: We teach individualized techniques for managing sensory input effectively in a wide variety of tasks and settings.
3. FUN! From nature exploration to sensory games, we make learning about our bodies and brains a joyous adventure!


Campers leave SenseSavvy with a heightened awareness of their senses, equipped with practical strategies to navigate their sensory world!



1: Connect

We’ll have a free consultation to see if our camps will be a good fit.


2: Intake

I’ll walk you through the paperwork — we’ll do the hard parts!


3: Evaluate

Your occupational therapist will meet you and your child in your home, and we’ll start figuring out their therapy goals.


4: Collaborate

You and your child start understanding what’s holding them back from success!


I’m Interested!

One last question

What’s the difference between your camps & other nature-based summer camps, like Quarry Hill?

We LOVE the camps that places like Quarry Hill and Miss Angie’s Place offer. Our camps are a superpowered version of those. See this post to learn more. We provide your child with the support they need to work through challenges, be successful, and progress toward individual goals, even on the hard days!


$645 per kid per camp
(including $50 deposit due at registration)

Sign us up!

Spots are limited — just click the button below to complete the interest form, and we’ll get back to you promptly to figure out if this might be a fantastic fit for your kid.